Constructed of stainless steel, this Forceps Jar is designed for continuous use in the laboratory. Three heated, stainless steel wells (3/4" diameter) were uniquely
designed to accommodate the Illum-A-Field instruments, however they can be used with most standard instruments where paraffin buildup is undesirable. The wells are easily cleaned with a
disposable transfer pipette. Competitive models take up to 30 minutes to reach the desired temperature. Once plugged into a standard 120V outlet, our warm-up time is ten minutes or less. A 30 watt
heater is built into the unit. Uniquely designed wells cause paraffin to melt from instrument
tips on contact and are easy to clean. Power can be switched on or off. Dimensions: 4" L x 4.5" D x 4" H.
Uses 120 volt AC.
Features include:
- Illuminated on/off switch
- 30 Watt heater
- Temperature range (Fixed internal thermostat) of 180°F - 200°F (82-93°C)